THE RACHEL ZOE PROJECT premiered last night on Bravo. I like what they have done in previous seasons and with the departure of the very likeable and very irritable Taylor Jacobson, it was highly anticipated to learn “the truth about Taylor.”
It’s just really unfortunate that Rachel, her husband, and employees, including Brad (who spent the previous seasons trying to keep up with Taylor) are busy creating spin to discredit and malign Taylor and her four-year history working with Rachel – tearing up her picture and throwing it in the fireplace? Really? That was necessary? The show features some actual styling of a Vanity Fair photo shoot (it doesn’t hurt that Demi Moore makes a cameo), but the majority of the show is spent in a tirade of all the bad mojo that Taylor brought to the table – and revealing in a completely contrived way that Taylor stole from the company resulting in her firing – not her quitting. (Taylor Jacobson states she quit the company and her career hasn’t suffered much since she’s now working for herself and doing pretty well.)
Plain and simple, there’s too much backpedaling with the Taylor story. Anybody who watched the previous seasons knows that Rachel is a big pile of silly and has no skills in running a business. All of the attention devoted to discrediting Taylor actually casts suspicion on all of Rachel Zoe and company. And if this is what the show has in store all season, then sorry Bravo – I won’t be watching what happens.
so bananas.